Blog Bahlul

Berisikan tulisan mahasiswa mager yang sebenernya gak jelas bin bahlul

Write everything at 10 minutes

After September 30th occur, it happens again on October 7th. For this time, the students get commended to write at 10 mins. The time is lo...

Cara mengatasi "connecting to server lost" di android. 100% works!

Kalo kalian play video di youtube ada tulisan connecting to server lost dan mau download atau update app di play stote gak bisa, jang...

4 the advantages of the game you should know!

game was loved by all, from child to adult likes a game. Cannot be denied that the game is most accurate to fade the boredom. You k...

update status gede kecil tulisannya. kenapa?

Udah lama nih ya gue gak buka fb. Blog juga udah lama gak dibuka sih hehe 😁 nah, gue buka fb dah tu. Pertama kali window kebuka di bera...

Hari gini masih pengen gratis? sana kembali ke tahun 1800!

Tadi barusan ada sepupu gue menta ajarin ms. word katanya buat bikin buku. Nah, dia itu doyan nulis puisi dan lagi proses bikin buku...